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  • 投缘池

      投缘池建于2002年,位于西峰山麓,是吉林北山爱情之园的主题景点之一。“投缘池”,又为“结缘池”,“六喜池”。来此皆有“缘”,投中为结“缘”。此池由中国古代“投壶”游戏演化而来。池中有喜庆吉祥的六童子手捧一叠铜钱团团围坐的雕塑, 游客可站在池畔刻有“财缘”、“子缘”、“情缘”、“姻缘”、“喜缘”、“仕缘”字样的六个石鼓上向童子所抬的古钱币中心投掷金币,如投入方孔内,即预示着所求之事遂心如愿。这是一处能够让游客广泛参与的吉祥文化景点。

    Affinity-casting Pool

    It was established in 2002, also called “affinity-connecting pool” or “6-happiness Pool”, which was developed from the Chinese ancient game called “Throwing”(a game during feast in which the winner was decided by the number of arrows thrown into a distant pot). Affinity-casting Pool now becomes a scenic and cultural spot for people.